Executive & Commerical

Flight Safety Cards


Technical Documentation




Justin Graphics provides high quality safety cards and technical documentation for the aviation industry with precise and high quality graphic design.

With my extensive expertise, I am available to assist you in the professional execution of your projects. I always prioritize meticulous and accurate work, while ensuring a comprehensive design tailored specifically to your needs.

Simply – Aviation Works


Design for Impact

For your exclusive clientele, I develop safety cards that meet the highest standards. According to your specifications and preferences, with the highest level of design quality. In compliance with all legal requirements.

Unique and convincing.

Safety Card

SAFETY CARDS (Commercial Flights)

Important Procedures
straight and simple

It goes without saying that a passenger safety card must be visually appealing and in line with your corporate design. Above all, it must be effective in an emergency: even inexperienced passengers should be able to understand immediately what to do. Good design in this context means clarity. Clear visual structure and unambiguous text instructions.

Good design is understandable and consistent.

Technical Documentation (CIM)

High Standards. Top Quality.

For your cabin interior manuals to be clear and efficient, the text structure and illustration concept must be well thought out and tailored to your needs, in addition to adhering to the prescribed ATA system.

Rely on years of experience in the industry and get your technical documentation, perfectly applicable and ready for use.

Your CIM: clear and functional.

Safety Card


Perfect in all Aspects.

My graphic design aims to create a visual aesthetic that captivates the viewer at first glance. I strive for a high level of comprehensibility and consistent execution of the design. With the safety cards I create, every procedure is clear and unambiguous. Everything is precisely formulated and the company’s identity is clearly recognizable. The design language is tailored to the needs of the client and the users.

Functional, aesthetic and consistent.


Print with effect.

Digital printing offers a number of advantages over traditional printing. It allows for fast and cost-effective production, even in short runs.

In addition, digital printing can quickly adapt to changing needs. The possibilities for embellishments are virtually limitless.

The highest quality for your passenger safety card.



How I bring your ideas to life.

Whether it’s an exclusive small print run or a corporate identity compliant safety card for commercial airlines, I see myself as a full-service graphics provider for flight security cards – from the initial idea to delivery of the finished product. Each step in the workflow is perfectly tailored to your needs.

My services for you:

  • I realize individual projects for you in small and large quantities, special sizes, special colors, exclusive materials and unique embellishments.

  • I design your passenger safety cards with high quality, elegance and distinctiveness.

  • Upon request, I can provide professional translations into multiple languages.

  • I accept repeat orders even years after the initial production.

Flight Safety Card Checklist

What it takes.

Download my order preparation checklist. It serves as the basis for the pre-briefing and the preparation of a proposal.

My checklist provides clarity.


Heike Justin-Sauter – CEO

Grafik Designerin

In Love with Flight.

Aviation has been my passion ever since I studied design. Even after many years of experience with safety cards and technical documentation, flying still inspires me. I love being part of a large community with a common goal: to make airplanes fly!

Was meine Kunden sagen:

„Wir erstellen Flight Safety Manuals und Passagiersicherheitsinstruk-
tionen für Lufthansa, Lufthansa City Line und andere Konzernteile. Justin-Graphics begleitete uns bei wichtigen Meilensteinen, z. B. bei der Konzeption und Gestaltung des farbigen und ansprechenden Flight Safety Manuals für Lufthansa um die Jahrtausendwende. 2010 halfen sie bei der Umstellung von Strichzeichnungen auf fotorealistische Darstellungen in den vollfarbigen Sicherheitsinstruktionen. 2018 integrierten sie die Safety Cards in das neue Lufthansa-Design mit markantem Blau und reduziertem Stil. Justin-Graphics hat bleibende Eindrücke hinterlassen und ihre Begeisterung ist
besonders spürbar.“

Thomas Bosch
Experte Flight Safety Manuals
LAT Germany GmbH

„Bei SIM International legen wir Wert auf ein gut funktionierendes, zuverlässiges und professionelles Verhältnis zu unseren Zulieferern
und Dienstleistern.
Aus diesem Grunde haben wir uns für Justin Graphics entschieden. Heike Justin-Sauter, die uns aus vielen Jahren hervorragender Zusammenarbeit bekannt ist, unterstützt uns da, wo wir Ihre mediale Kompetenz benötigen und so, wie wir es für unsere eigene
Repräsentanz im Markt wollen.
Wir freuen uns auf viele weitere Projekte in den kommenden Jahren.“

Alexander Schäfer
SIM International BV
Sassenheim, Netherlands

„Das Grafik Studio Justin Graphics war immer meine bevorzugte Adresse, wenn es darum ging, zügig und reibungslos Safety Cards für
unsere anspruchsvollen Kunden zu erhalten. Die Erledigung grafischer Arbeiten erfolgte stets prompt und professionell durch das Grafikstudio, dessen Fachkompetenz
unübertroffen ist. Von der grafischen Gestaltung über den Druck bis hin zur
pünktlichen Lieferung des Endprodukts traten niemals
Schwierigkeiten auf.
Bei Justin Graphics steht der Kunde nach wie vor an erster Stelle.“

Nils Blankenhagen
TTE Engineering Mechanics,
Lufthansa Technik AG

„Justin Graphics ist über Jahre hinweg der zuverlässige Partner. Sie ist durchweg fachlich versiert und bearbeitet alle Aufträge termingerecht. Egal ob es um kurzfristige Arbeitsspitzen oder regelmäßige Routine-Aufgaben ging, ich konnte immer auf die Unterstützung von Justin Graphics zählen. Besonders bei der Erstellung technischer Handbücher, die aufgrund ihrer Komplexität und Umfang große Herausforderungen darstellen, hat Justin Graphics mich stets in vollem Maße überzeugt.“

Thomas Hoffschild
Aircraft System Engineer
Deutsche Lufthansa AG


Lets get in touch!

How can I help?
+49 (0) 6251 840974

+49 (0) 6251 840974